In the film planet earth shows Many of the different spices in the world have become extinct from when they were first discovered until now. Most of the strategy's that are made to help the animals were made by westerners.The plantations on the mountain effected the wild-life because it destroyed certain specie's habitats, these plantations were to make material such as cement,paper,
exc. Leopards have now become ext
ict because of pouching. Pouching is the main cause of animals being extinct around the world. Pouching is now making us lousing group by group and soon there will be no animals in that spices anymore. Just from pouching golden-toads are now becoming extinct because of the amount of fungi these toads have been becoming extinct ever since the early 1900's.Now because of
pouches elephants are becoming
extinct and most of there family's are gone now.
Pouches have killed numerous of spices such as the chimpanzee,gorilla and the
elephant. Then the polar-bears started attacking walrus's because the ice was
frozen. Most of the ice caps will
dissolve in less than 50 years.
Instinct ion has
accelerated for the
polar bears in the last 20 years.Because of the
pouches siaga antelopes are now becoming extinct.
Gazels could now be one of the many extinct spices because of the pouching. Now tigers are the most important animal spices(now
inherently) because of the pouching.The
Amoram leopard could become extinct so we need to conserve these
leopards because they are not common any more and they could now be at a rare animal type. These leopards can be a big change in the wild. There are are many poverty surrounding others everyday that people have to deal with, these family's may not even know how they could survive. Deaths surround lots of people everyday.Soon this will effect us humans as we know it .
Wow dude you are doing great in your blogs keep up the good work