Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The object of Bones is to locate every part of the head and put them all together to form and head.It can be confusing from a learners point of view,but when you think about it you notice where the parts of the head go.This is a game where you have to know where the head parts go or you louse.It was made for kids who are middle schoolrs and up,because the words are from 6Th grade science.Therefor a elementary kid would not understand the game because of the hard 6Th grade science words.It doesn't look scary, but it does have a scull. It is scientific by dealing with the different names of the parts of the head like for instance the frontal which is the base of the head,or the maxilla the sinus cavity. There is also the zymgomatic.I liked the way they set it up, it can show you how to memorize the parts of the head (zymgomatic,maximillia,frontal,piratical,shronied,mandfull,ethomoid, the nasal, and temporal.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

On Saturday I had my first game of the season. In that game I got my first 4 tackles of the season, 2 were alone and 2 were group tackles. I did my best we just didn't take the penalty advantage of there 28 penalties and our3. The referees at some points did not call holding.Even though we lost we did our best and that's what matters and I don't care what any body says either. we need to never have our heads down even if we lose because everyone will lose because that is just the way it is in this world.Alot of people think that is not true but it is and sometimes you just half to deal with it.I will do my best as a line backer to lead us to a win vs the blue knights. I didn't want to lose, but it turned out that we lost because we let them control the ball the whole game. So we dug our selvs into a whole and thats why we lost.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I have learned how to add pictures today,for some reason my picture do not come up.I also learned how to make a reader. the reader was probably the most easiest assignment to do. I think my page will look cool when I'm done with it.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I would like to make a game that deals with math and football.I hope to be able to make my blog look pretty tight and cool.I look forward to making a game with football and math put together in one game. I think this year technology will be extremely fun with Mrs. Miller in 2009-2010!