The object of Bones is to locate every part of the head and put them all together to form and head.It can be confusing from a learners point of view,but when you think about it you notice where the parts of the head go.This is a game where you have to know where the head parts go or you louse.It was made for kids who are middle schoolrs and up,because the words are from 6Th grade science.Therefor a elementary kid would not understand the game because of the hard 6Th grade science words.It doesn't look scary, but it does have a scull. It is scientific by dealing with the different names of the parts of the head like for instance the frontal which is the base of the head,or the maxilla the sinus cavity. There is also the
zymgomatic.I liked the way they set it up, it can show you how to memorize the parts of the head (
ethomoid, the nasal, and temporal.
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